Automatic Water Pump controller system | Full circuit diagram

 Here is an automatic water pump control circuit that controls the water pump. The vehicle is automatically turned on when the water in the upper tank (OHT) falls below the lower limit. Similarly, it is turned off when the tank is full. Built around a single gate of the NAND IC (CD4011), the region is simple, compact, and economical. It uses a 12V DC power supply and uses very little power.

A circuit can be divided into two parts: a control circuit and an identifier circuit.

Automatic water pump control circuit

Figure 1 shows the control region. Let us consider two reference points ‘A’ and ‘B’ inside the tank, where ‘A’ is the investigation of the lower limits and ‘B’ is the investigation of the upper limits. 12V DC power supply is provided for probation C, which is the limit of the minimum amount of water stored in the tank.

The lower end of the 'A' is connected to the base of transistor T1 (BC547), its collector is connected to a 12V voltage and an emitter is connected to the transmission RL1. The transmission RL1 is connected to pin 13 NAND at gate N3.

Similarly, the high-end probe 'B' is connected to the base of transistor T2 (BC547), its collector is connected to a 12V power supply and an emitter is connected to pins 1 and 2 of the NAND N1 gate and ground via Resistor R3. Exit pin 4 of the NAND N2 gate is connected to pin 12 of the NAND gate N3. The N3 output is connected to the N2 input pin 6 and the base of transistor T3 via resistor R4. Relay RL2 connected to the emitter of transistor T3 is used to drive the vehicle.

Circuit performance

When the tank is filled below probation A, the transistors T1 and T2 do not operate and the N3 discharge goes up. This high output enables the RL2 to drive the car and start pumping water to the tank.

When the tank is filled above investigation A but under test B, the water inside the tank provides the base for the driving force of transistor T1 and the transmission of RL1 which makes pin 13 of N3 gate high. However, the water inside the tank does not provide base voltages to transistor T2, so it also does not make sense of the built-in near the NAND gates N1 and N2 output below the 12th N3 gate. The result of the net is that the N3 discharge remains high and the vehicle continues to pump water to the tank.

When the tank is filled to level B, the water inside the tank still supplies the base energy to transistor T1 and transfers the power of RL1 to form pin 13 of the N3 gate at the top. At the same time, the water inside the tank also provides the base voltage to drive transistor T2 and the built-in concept near the NAND N1 and N2 exit gates at the top 12 of the N3 gate. The result of the net is that the output of pin 11 of the N3 drops and the car stops pumping water from the tank.

When the water level falls below probation B but above probation A, the water inside the tank still supplies the base power to transistor T1 and the transmission of RL1 is always enabled to make pin 13 gate N3 higher. However, transistor T2 does not conform to the concept built near the NAND gates N1 and N2 which extend upward to pin 12 of the N3. As a result, N3 emissions remain low and car residues are suspended.

When the water level falls under probation A, both transistors T1 and T2 do not operate. The NAND N3 gate provides high output to drive the RL2 transmission and the vehicle resumes pumping water from the tank.

Be careful

The user can adjust the level at which the water in the tank should be filled by adjusting the height of cells A and B. Repair screws and screws should be fitted outwards to avoid shortening.

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